I am an award-winning Wildlife photographer from Pennsylvania.
Spine and heart surgery changed a lot of things for me. I decided to take up photography. My love for Nature lead me in the direction of Wildlife Photography.

I started with a point and shoot camera and I was immediately hooked! 
I ended up getting a DSLR camera 5 months later and learned as much as I could. I recently added 2 mirrorless cameras and new lenses to my gear.

about my photos:
 I like detail. a lot of wildlife photographers prefer scenic shots that show the surroundings with the subject being a small part of the image.  I prefer to see my subject as close as possible. I like to see the textures in a bird's feather and the hair fibers on an animal. I want to see as much eye detail as possible so you feel a connection TO THE ANIMAL OR BIRD WHEN VIEWING THE photo.
I push myself to learn more & more every day.  I love to get outdoors and photograph nature. I enjoy other types of photography, but wildlife photography is my passion. My spine problems limit my exploration and I must sit a lot, but I always find a way to get interesting shots. Being out in nature with my camera helps me deal with the stress of daily life and back/neck pain. 

Joe Endy
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